How to Store Appliances – A Complete Guide

Prevent damage to your appliances while in storage with proper preparation, transport and packaging.

Appliances can be moved safely and kept in storage for long periods of time – but only if they’ve been properly prepared and packaged.

Our guide will help you prepare and store most medium and large appliances so that they come out of storage in good working condition.

Protective packaging

For transport and storage, it’s best to place any appliance in its original box and packaging, including inner protective styrofoam or cardboard structures.

If you no longer have the original boxes, you can protect large appliances by

  1. using cardboard and packing tape to protect corners from dings
  2. wrapping the appliances in moving blankets and straps
  3. using a trolley and ensuring you have enough people to lift and move it safely.

Avoid completely encasing an appliance in plastic for more than a few days. Doing this can encourage condensation, leading to mould growth.

Once in storage, place appliances on a pallet or cardboard base for further protection from damp and mould.

Storing fridges

Fridge interiors are prone to mould and mildew.

To prepare a fridge for storage, empty it, wash the interior with a sponge or non-abrasive cloth and mild detergent and dry thoroughly.

Remove trays and shelves and transport them separately. Once in storage, they can be put back in place.

Finally, always leave the door of a fridge ajar once it’s in storage to avoid moisture build-up.

Storing freezers

Aim to defrost a freezer a good day or so before transporting it. This process can be lengthy and trying to speed it up by scraping at the ice can damage the freezer’s interior.

Once defrosted, wash with a mild detergent and allow to dry completely.

Freezers should also be stored with the door slightly open to avoid moisture build-up.

Storing stoves/ovens

Stoves can get very grubby with use, so a really good scrub with a decent oven cleaner is in order.

Once clean, make sure the stove is completely dry to reduce the risk of rust. To prevent damage, remove the trays while in transit.

Once in storage, a bowl of baking soda in the oven can keep a nasty smell from developing.

Storing microwaves

The glass turntable in a microwave is loose and susceptible to breakage. Always remove the tray and wrap it in protective wrapping such as bubble wrap before transporting it.

After a thorough clean and dry, pack a microwave in a sturdy box. Then add filler material such as newspaper or packing peanuts to stop it sliding around.

Storing washing machines

To wash the interior of your washing machine, run a hot but empty cycle with two cups of vinegar and half a cup of bicarbonate of soda. Wipe down the exterior with a mild detergent.

Allow the machine to dry out for at least 24 hours before transporting it to the storage unit. Also, store the machine with the door propped open.

Storing tumble dryers

Tumble dryers have dry interiors and so take less time to prepare for storage than washing machines. Clean out the lint tray and drum and wipe down the exterior before transporting.

While in storage, keep the door ajar to discourage mould. As for all appliances, rest the tumble dryer on a clean, dry surface, ideally slightly raised from the floor.

Storing dishwashers

After a thorough clean, your dishwasher needs to be dried out thoroughly before being put into storage. Leave the machine open to air dry for at least 24 hours before transport.

Once in storage, leave the door open by at least 6 centimetres. Also, make sure the storage unit you choose is free of damp.

Appliance storage with Multibox

At Multibox, we provide affordable, secure, impeccably clean self-storage units, ideal for storing large appliances. 

We have branches at Bagatelle Mall and in Bambous and Forbach. Contact us online or call us on +230-468-1201 for more information.